City Tours Idar-Oberstein

Company information of City Tours Idar-Oberstein

The vehicle rental service City Tours Idar-Oberstein is the outcome of a beneficial partnership between the multinational tour operator City Tours Europe and local vehicle operators from Idar-Oberstein, from surrounding Germany, from the bordering countries North Rhine-Westphalia, France, Baden-Württemberg, Saarland, Luxembourg, and Belgium, and from other countries in Europe. City Tours Idar-Oberstein's services consist in amazingly uncomplicated chartering of chauffeur-driven street vehicles within the limits and in the neighbourhood of Idar-Oberstein and around it. Additionally, City Tours Idar-Oberstein can equally rent out safe buses for sightseeing tours and travel itineraries in Rhineland-Palatinate and in each and every one of its enveloping regions. We can reply to your query referring to our office and relating to the many thoughtfully selected charter bus companies with which we work in consonance. You just need to just drop us a line by email at .

A few words concerning the continent-wide coach fleet owner City Tours Europe

The competent bus supplier City Tours Europe was founded in Vienna and chiefly focalizes upon uncomplicated booking of local and long distance coaches for tours in Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Sweden, Czech Republic, France, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland, as well as in all near or distant places across Europe. City Tours Europe works in all regions of Europe and runs branches in the following states: Italy, Austria, Germany, and Poland.

Buses operator in Idar-Oberstein


Coach agency in Rhineland-Palatinate



Listed below are the corporate details of City Tours Europe

If you wish to read all decisive info about City Tours Europe, please proceed to visiting our core website Europe Buses.

Contact information: City Tours GmbH, Rosaliagasse 19/6, A-1120 Vienna (Austria). Landline phone: +43 1 966 02 61. Telefax: +43 1 253 30 33/ 7792.

Board of Management: Alexander Ehrlich (director) and Katarina Bachner (authorized signatory).

Active licenses: Tour operator license n° 2011/0010 at the Austrian ministry for economy and labour. Privacy protection n° 3000394 at the Austrian data protection commission. Member of: Vienna chamber of commerce. For a look on our privacy policy, please follow this link.